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Reactive Attachment disorder


Reactive Attachment Disorder


Children with reactive attachment disorder (RAD) seldom develop emotional attachments to their carers. Adopted children may have RAD. The goal of treatment is to strengthen and/or establish emotionally stable family ties. The ability to feel pleasant emotions is diminished in affected children, and they are unable to seek or accept physical or emotional contact. They may also react aggressively when hugged, caressed, or comforted. Affected youngsters display erratic behavior that is challenging to comfort and control. Children often have wild mood swings and appear to be always in one of three states: fight, flight, or freeze. Most people have a strong desire to be in charge of their surroundings and to exercise personal freedom.


The current study investigated the role of children’s attachment representations in this association. Attachment representations reflect knowledge about a cognitive script regarding the attachment figure as a source for support (Secure Base Script). We tested whether secure base script knowledge 1) mediates or 2) moderates the link between reactive attachment disorder and prosocial behavior problems in 83 children (6–11 years; 83.1% boys) recruited from special education schools for children with behavioral problems. Children completed a pictorial Secure Base Script Test. Their reactive attachment disorder symptoms were assessed during an interview with the primary caregivers. Primary caregivers and teachers filled out a prosocial behavior questionnaire about the child.



Each child’s reactive attachment disorder symptoms are different. Young toddlers and newborns with RAD frequently experience the following symptoms:

Not engaging in social interactions when feeling comforted, loved, or joyful. Avoiding physical contact and eye contact. Throwing tantrums to express fear or rage, or regularly displaying grief or dissatisfaction. They are more inclined to breach the law because they are looking for things in their surroundings that they can control.


Children who are diagnosed with reactive attachment disorder lack a clear reason. According to studies, there may be a number of variables that lead to a kid not developing a link with their carers, such as:

Abuse or neglect: The young victim feels alone or abandoned.

Unmet fundamental necessities for the child due to food insecurity.

Safety: The youngster worries that they are in peril.

Lack of hygiene: The youngster spends hours in dirty diapers before getting them changed. With so many careers, the youngster is unsure of who to believe.

Career inconsistency: The child’s needs are only occasionally satisfied, especially if they are unaware of the appropriate times for praise or consolation from their careers. When their fundamental needs are met, young children can build good connections.


The doctor who treats your kid will inquire about your child’s medical history and the symptoms they are exhibiting in order to make a diagnosis of reactive attachment disorder. To fully comprehend your child’s symptoms, your medical professionals may inquire about the following:

Have you ever abused or neglected your child?

When did you initially experience symptoms?

What did you pick up on first?

What kind of interactions have you two had?

What is the state of your housing?

Does your youngster engage with other careers?

If your healthcare provider suspects RAD, they will probably advise you to take your kid to see a pediatrician, psychologist, and psychiatrist so they can properly diagnose your child and provide any appropriate therapies.


Reactive attachment disorder treatment focuses on fostering emotionally sound partnerships and/or mending tense or scared connections between kids and their careers. Children’s emotional health is improved in a way that may subsequently aid in the development of other positive connections. Plans for therapy are advantageous to kids and their carers. Treatment options include:

In psychotherapy or counselling, a mental health professional collaborates with the child’s parents to develop healthy emotional competencies and to lessen negative behavioural patterns that undermine attachment.

Family therapy: This form of treatment focuses on creating positive interactions between the kid’s primary carers and the child.

Intervention for social skills: This therapy teaches the child how to behave correctly among other kids of the same age in everyday social situations.

If a kid requires special education, school-based programmes can assist in teaching them the skills they need to thrive both academically and socially.

Parenting education courses: Parents may discover additional useful techniques in these sessions for dealing with their child’s challenging behaviors.


Reactive attachment disorder in children manifests as emotionally restrained and constrained behavior. As a result, these kids frequently have issues with prosocial behavior.

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